Republic of the Marshall Islands
Public Service Commission

Carrying out mid-year and annual performance evaluation is an important part of managing performance and how work gets done. It is important to evaluate those who manage and supervise staff on their management style, their competencies, and their work relationships. Managers should be evaluated on their effectiveness of leading others, and their ability to progressively achieve activities in their Ministry Strategic Plans and their Annual Work Plans.
In keeping with PSC and OCS's goal to continuously improve, we are asking for your candid feedback on the performance of your manager. A summary of all feedback received will be prepared for each individual manager so that he or she can use the feedback to learn and develop as a manager. Your individual feedback will be averaged into all the responses received in order to protect your anonymity and ensure that the results each manager receives are completely confidential. PSC and OCS will also prepare an overall summary to assess areas for additional office-provided management training.